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Gifts and Crafts

K9 Crystal


K9 Crystal is one of best grade optical crystals in china, we mostly use this k9 crystal to make crystal awards, crystal trophies, crystal paperweight, crystal christmas ornaments, crystal wedding favors, etc.

As the finished products which made from k9 crystal look most stunning and shinning, customers liked the impression from k9 crystal, and they mostly prefer the gifts and crafts made from k9 crystal.

Below are some characters of our K9 Crystal (top grade optical crystal):

Crystal Component: SiO2=69.13% B2O3=10.75% BaO=3.07% Na2O=10.40% K2O=6.29% As2O3=0.36%

Optical constants as follows: refractive index = 1.51630 Dispersion = 0.00806 Abbe dispersion number = 64.06  

Below is the picture of the K9 Crystal raw material:

 k9 crystal

And below is the finished blank crystal which made from K9 Crystal raw material (after cutted, grinded, faced and polished):

blank crystal 

And this blank crystal can be engraved or etched by sandblasted, 3d laser engraved or color printed as per customers' requirements.